Animated Rainbow Nyan Cat
Puka's Corner


{DNI: Antis, Pro-abuse}

PLURal 2.7

Pisces Sun | Virgo Moon | Libra Rising

18+ ProFic/Kink/Para 18+

Mexican ABDL KidFur | Therian / Otherkin

Bi Dyke | Dead Dove

Please note: All content I consume/create is purely fictional. We are a CSA/CoCSA survivor.

We're an ex-anti. I'm autistic with an OSDD system. We love and support all forms of plurality!

I consider myself a Bi Dyke due to my plurality/being intersex plus the fluidity of my partner's gender.

My name is River, I am an intersex nonbinary person and use it/its or e/em/eir. My personality type is INTP-T

I'm 27, and I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, I've been drawing digitally since 2009. I'm in a happy relationship with an amazing partner named Dezzi.

I'm overly friendly in most conversations but don't let that fool you into thinking we are close friends (yet!). It takes a lot for me to get really close to people TwT.

I have a lot of trust issues for various reasons. I really do love to talk to people but I sorta fade out for a period of time so please don't take it personally, reach out!! I will always respond and pick back up where we left off.